Thursday, November 10, 2005


On the way to pick Lullah up, she text messaged me ('cause we're just techno savvy like that). The Wind Suits that we asked for at the beginning of the year were in. But the sponsor wasn't giving them to the girls.

Lullah gets in the car and doubles over and starts sobbing. Great, loud, sobs.

During practice one of the girls asked if the windsuits were in. The sponsor said yes, that she had one of the jackets in the car. She went and got it, put it on and modeled it! The girls were excited of course and asked if they were getting them after practice. She said no, that the principal had said they were to be put away until next year because we probably only have one game left. She goes on to say that if THEY had been patient they would have probably gotten them. Lullah (ever tactful) asked how their lack of patience affected the delivery date of the wind suits. The sponsor looked her square in the face and said "if some of the parents hadn't complained to the principal about them not being here yet, y'all would be getting them". "But because y'all can't be patient they are being put away until next year".

This was after she had spent the entire practice according to Lullah "staring us down" while they were dancing.

She MODELED it y'all. She went to the car, got it out. Oh wait, she had to intentionally put it IN the car first. SHE MODELED IT and then told them...oops sorry y'all need to learn to keep your little impatient selves in check. aaaaaaargh!

Oh yeah, I was pissed. The co-sponsor came over to the car to get the "permission slip" for tomorrow signed. I asked her if the sponsor had actually said the mess above. She kinda frowned and said, yeah. The co-sponsor said that the sponsor neglected to tell the girls that 4 of the jackets were on back order so they wouldn't have been able to get them because of THAT.

I called the principal and left a message. I was VERY nice. I just gave a short telling of what she had said and said if he had any questions to call my cell.

After all this I had to go to Sears and buy 2 new tires. $399. I was thrilled.

The principal called me and wanted to know what happened. He was pretty appalled. He said that she does not speak for him. What he had actually said was that since she had not gotten the order in so that the suits could be in sooner that they should hold the suits until next year and the parents could buy them then. He has really been wonderful through all this. I get the distinct impression that he is NOT happy with the way she had conducted herself. After tomorrow, it will be better. His exact words.

Oh, and I've burned two extra copies of the music for tomorrow's dance. So, in case she "loses" the music we're prepared. She didn't have batteries for the radio at a pep rally this year, so I wouldn't put it past her to "lose" the music.

After tomorrow, it will be better. After tomorrow, it will be better. After tomorrow, it will be better. My new mantra.


MamaKBear said...

Oh! Poor Lullah! I'm surprised she hasn't just quit because of this sponsor!

I bet you wanna just go smack that bitch upside the head, dontcha? I sure would if she was doing my girls that way.

I'm glad she's resigning...I hope things will be better after she's gone! Give Lullah a hug for me!

Kim said...

MamaK- She's certainly considered it. But if you quit or are kicked off, you can't try out the next year. Plus, she's one of people who have to finish things once they start them.

Smack her upside the head? Oh, yeah I'd Looooove to. Thankfully, I'm not a violent person. I firmly believe that what you put out into the universe eventually comes back to either bless you or bite you in the ass. In this case I hope she gets two cheeks worth.

I do think that we (Lullah and I) have learned alot. I've never been put in the position to have to defend her like this. We've been really blessed with great teachers, principals etc. This has never came up. She's definately grown through it all too. Because she's had to gracefully stand up for herself when I wasn't there,(she's since told me some things that she's had to deal with on her own) she'll be more prepared the next time something along these lines comes up. Hopefully not on the scale that this ended up on, but she'll be ready.

MamaKBear said...

I'm not a violent person either, but people like this sponsor sure make me wanna smack 'em silly!

Your Lullah is a good girl with a great head on her shoulders!