Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A thanks.

I want to thank all of y'all that have commented on my recent rants. I never actually thought ANYONE would read my blog. I was just a way for me to vent, ramble etc without driving the hubby insane. So for y'all to take the time to not just read, but actually buck me up and offer words of wisdom and encouragement has really been a wonderful thing.

The last few days have been the final blow up after a long simmer. It has been...trying. Thank y'all for puttin' y'all's two cents worth in.

1 comment:

MamaKBear said...

I don't know if I've really commented that much, but I DO read your blog. Hope I've helped!

I know you did with your comment on mine...it's nice to know people can understand where you're coming from.

Tell Lullah not to give in to those idiots! Maybe it will get better with the sponsor's resignation.