Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mike's brother went to a lawyer yesterday and began the process for getting a divorce. They will file and serve my sister-in-law the papers Friday. It's so sad to think of a marriage ending. Even more so when it's someone you love. They have a Covenant Marriage so it will be year before the divorce is final.

My heart just breaks for her. I don't think she's going to take this very well at all. At the same time, Mike's brother has been so mistreated, for so long that I'm almost relieved for him. She has been abusive (mostly verbally) the entire time they've been married. It had escalated in the last year or so. He'd been begging her to go to counseling with him for almost a year and she refused. One of the saddest parts is she's extremely insecure and she pushed him into the very thing she was afraid of.

It's just sad all around.


Dominique said...

Ok, have to ask... What is a "Covenant Marriage?"

Redneck Diva said...

I'm curious about that as well.

Kim said...

In Louisiana couples have the option of a "regular" marriage licence or a "covenant" marriage licence.

The primary difference is the covenant marriage doesn't allow for a "no fault divorce". It requires counceling prior to dissolution of the marriage. It can take as long as 2 years for a divorce to be final. The least amount of time is 1 year. There are a few instances when the requirements don't have to be met including adultery and abuse. The theory is that it will prevent divorces. Our former pastor won't perform wedding ceremonies unless they are a covenant marriage.

Which IMHO is blackmail. But that's part of the reasons he's my former pastor. :-)

MamaKBear said...

It's always sad for a marriage to end. :(

Dominique said...

Interesting... wonder what the statistics look like on that type of marriage.

Kim said...

MKB- we're all sort of shell shocked right now. I'm very hopeful that once the dust settles, they will both be happier people.

Nique- I don't know what the stats are. Theoretically it's supposed to prevent capricious divorces. I can't imagine that it actually does. Folks that take marriage lightly aren't going to get a covenant license in the first place.