Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I dropped a relative off at the airport today. It's funny how you develop a sense of community with the other people either waiting for someone to leave or arrive. Strange.

I feel terrible, but I was so thankful for the time alone on the ride home. My daughter has had someone over almost EVERY day since school let out or we've been gone on one trip or another or we've had family here. I felt like my brain was going to implode.

I was an only child so maybe that's affected my outlook. I NEED to be by myself sometimes. Almost as much as air.

We (my husband and I) had talk last night with our daughter. She's suddenly realized that we aren't the greatest company for a teenager. She's either gone, asking to go somewhere or there are people (teenage people) here almost 24/7. Her exact words " I don't want to be here". We apparently suck, who knew? We were under the impression that we were some of the cooler-not-as-crazy parents. We were mistaken. She's actually a pretty good kid, as are most of her friends so we really can't bitch too much. Maybe I should call and apologize to my mom. I was NOT a pretty good kid, why didn't she kill me when she had the chance?

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